Broader outcomes are integral to our business because they strengthen community resilience, create lasting economic opportunities, and foster environmental stewardship. By prioritising these outcomes as a part of our BAU we are able to ensure that there is a positive flow on affect.
We are proud to be a 100% Māori-owned and locally operated business, grounded in our values and commitment to our people and communities. Through our mahi, we aim to create lasting benefits that help our whānau and hapori thrive.
Workforce Development – Our workforce is made up of local people, predominantly Māori. We’re here to support our people to succeed and grow by providing meaningful employment, training, and opportunities for upskilling.
Investing in Local Economies – The wages we pay flow back into our communities, supporting local businesses and fueling economic growth through the purchase of goods and services in our rohe.
Strengthening Business Networks – By prioritising contracts with local suppliers and businesses, we share the economic benefits and build stronger connections within our community, helping to create a resilient local economy that supports diverse opportunities for growth.
Community Involvement – We’re actively involved in our community, contributing to sporting and cultural activities that bring our people together and celebrate who we are.
TE Taiao | Environment
The environment is a taonga, a treasure that we hold with deep respect. As kaitiaki, we take seriously our responsibility to protect and care for te taiao, ensuring our activities have as little impact as possible. Here’s how we honour this commitment:
Mitigating Environmental Impacts – We follow established protocols to prevent run-off, control erosion and sediment, reduce noise and dust, and effectively manage spills. These measures are in place to protect the natural environment around our work sites.
Reducing Emissions – Sustainability is a priority for us. We maintain our fleet to the highest standards and are actively exploring electric vehicles and renewable equipment to reduce our emissions and move towards a cleaner, more sustainable future.
Waste Reduction and Resource Efficiency – We’re committed to reducing waste by recycling materials like paper and cardboard, and reusing or repurposing other materials wherever possible. Our resource-efficient practices are designed to minimise the environmental footprint of our projects.
Our business is guided by a commitment to creating meaningful economic opportunities for Māori, while fostering a workplace that nurtures growth, stability, and success for our people.
Iwi and Whānau-Based Employment Strategy – We take an intentional approach to recruitment, focusing on creating opportunities within our hapū and iwi. By providing stable employment and clear pathways for career advancement, we strengthen the economic foundations of our whānau and wider community, supporting prosperity for both immediate and extended family members.
Investing in Our People – We are dedicated to providing a secure and supportive workplace where training and development are prioritised. By equipping our workforce with the skills and confidence they need to succeed, we not only empower our people but also contribute to the growth and resilience of our business and the wider community.
māoritanga | Culture
Our mahi is rooted in uplifting and empowering Māori to thrive. We are committed to achieving meaningful and enduring outcomes that benefit whānau, hapū, and iwi, ensuring mutual success and wellbeing.
Partnership with Māori Enterprises – By collaborating with Māori-owned businesses throughout our supply chain, we foster reciprocal opportunities that drive economic development and cultural empowerment within our communities. These partnerships are built on shared values and a collective vision for growth.
Mentorship and Leadership – Our founder is a passionate advocate for Māori enterprise, providing mentorship to Māori business owners. Through sharing knowledge, guidance, and encouragement, this mahi supports the growth and sustainability of Māori-led initiatives, strengthening the foundation for future success.
Collaboration with Social and Government Organisations – We work alongside organisations like the Ministry of Social Development, Te Puni Kōkiri, and Amotai to enhance Māori participation and advancement in our industry. Our employment approach embraces an iwi and whānau-centric model, placing cultural values at the heart of how we operate.