Asphalt surfacing provides a smooth, durable, and flexible surface that withstands heavy traffic loads and reduces noise levels for a quieter ride. It is also cost-effective and quick to install, requiring less maintenance over time compared to other surfacing options.

Why Use Asphalt?
Aside from the look, people choose to use asphalt for a wide range of reasons including durability, comfort (to travel on), lower noise pollution, more environmentally friendly than other surfaces, all weather safety.
More and more people are choosing to use asphalt for these reasons as it can be effectively and efficiently applied to any ground surface to give a smooth and durable finish. Plus it can be recycled and reused.

What Is Asphalt?
Also known as bitumen, asphalt is a sticky, black and highly viscous liquid or semi-solid form of petroleum. It is used as the glue or binder and mixed with aggregate particles to create an asphalt surface.
Asphalt surfaces are built on a thick base construction for bearing the main load above an unbound granular layer. Next, a strong-load bearing intermediate asphalt layer is placed over the base. The intermediate layer is followed by a thirty to forty millimeter surface layer. The surface layer can last up to 15-20 years, depending on the asphalt mixture used.